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Full licence practical driving test (class 1 - car)

What is the full licence practical driving test?

The full licence practical driving test is the test that restricted licence holders must pass to graduate to a full driver licence. It is designed to test whether your skills are at a level where you can safely drive without the conditions of the restricted licence. You must provide the vehicle for the test.

The test will take about 30 minutes. This allows for vehicle checks before the test, the driving test itself and time for the testing officer to give you feedback after the test.

During the test you'll need to demonstrate safe driving practices in a wide range of driving situations.

How should I prepare for the full licence practical driving test?

You'll need to apply appropriate hazard detection responses to all assessable tasks without explanation of what's required by the testing officer.

You should practise describing hazards aloud until you can confidently and clearly describe the hazards you're looking at and what you're doing in response to them.

You'll be asked to perform a number of tasks and to observe and remember the hazards you see as you perform each task. Some examples of hazards are:

  • other vehicles (including vehicles approaching from behind)
  • children playing on the footpath
  • pedestrians
  • animals not on a leash
  • cyclists.

You'll be marked on how well you performed the task, plus how well your descriptions of the hazards match those noted by the testing officer. All of the tasks will take place in busy, built-up areas such as town or suburban areas.

What does the full licence practical test involve?

You'll need to perform a number of tasks including:

  • right and left turns at intersections
  • right and left lane changes
  • entering and exiting roundabouts.

When completing each task you'll also be assessed on:

  • observing
  • signalling
  • gap selection
  • following distance
  • hazard detection
  • hazard response.

During the test you could incur a critical error for:

  • driving too slow or too fast
  • not looking before performing a manoeuvre
  • not signalling
  • mounting the kerb
  • stalling the vehicle
  • not coming to a complete stop at a Stop sign
  • blocking a pedestrian crossing
  • any other illegal action, eg
    • following too close
    • not giving way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing
    • driving over part of a roundabout.

What could cause me to immediately fail the test?

You'll fail the test (the test will be terminated) if you:

  • drive recklessly, dangerously or inconsiderately
  • are involved in a crash you're wholly or partly responsible for
  • can't carry out the testing officer's instructions because of lack of driving ability
  • exceed the speed limit
  • fail to comply with give way rules or give Way signs
  • fail to comply with traffic signals or stop signs.

What are the most common reasons for failing a full practical test?

Some of the most common reasons for failing a full practical test are:

  • going over the speed limit
  • not indicating correctly when entering or leaving a roundabout
  • not coming to a complete stop at a Stop sign
  • not identifying hazards
  • not stating the action you're taking in response to an identified hazard.

What happens at the end of the test?

At the end, the testing officer will tell you whether or not you've passed the test. They'll also go over any errors you made so you can practise them.

If you pass the test, you'll have earned your full licence.

The testing officer will keep your restricted licence and give you a temporary full licence. This temporary licence is valid for 21 days and you must carry it with you when you drive.

You'll get your full photo driver licence in the mail. If you don’t get your new photo driver licence within 10 working days, call us on 0800 822 422.

If you fail the test, the testing officer will give your restricted licence back.

How do I dispute the result of my test?

You can lodge a complaint if you believe a testing officer has acted inappropriately or incorrectly failed or terminated your practical test. 

VTNZ online complaint form (external link)

If you don't want to lodge your complaint online, you can also get a complaint form by:

Your complaint will be investigated and you'll receive a response in writing. If you’re not satisfied with the results of the investigation, you can ask Waka Kotahi to review that investigation.

More information

Full licence test guide

Practical tests

The official New Zealand road code