Environmental incidents – new reporting and investigation process

Submissions for this consultation have now closed. 

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has developed a draft specification to report and investigate environmental incidents that occur during land transport system infrastructure projects. 

The Specification for environmental incident notification, investigation and reporting would set a consistent process across New Zealand and apply to all contractors carrying out physical work related to capital projects, maintenance, operations, and emergency works. 

It’s proposed that contractors will need to reflect these requirements, along with any specific permit/consent requirements, in an environmental incident response, investigation and reporting procedure,  as part of  their environmental management plans (EMPs). 

We invite your feedback on the proposed process to inform the final version of the specification. 

How to make a submission

Submissions can be emailed to:


Please write 'Environmental incident specification' in the subject line.

Submissions due by Monday 15 April 2024.

Your submission and privacy 

The information you send us will be used by Waka Kotahi to help inform our consultation for the draft Specification for Environmental Incident Notification, Investigation and Reporting. We may publish, in part or in full, the information you submit, for example, in a consultation report, but we will not include any information that could be used to identify an individual person.

If you have indicated you are an authorised representative of an organisation, we may publish your organisation’s name.

Please clearly indicate if your comments contain commercially sensitive information or, if for some other reason, they should not be disclosed. 

If you would like to request official information from us, please don’t include that in your submission. Instead, please direct it to the project lead so we can respond to it in a timely manner.

You can find more about how we hold and protect your information, and our obligations under the Official Information Act on our website:
Consultations page


