How we protect your information

We’re committed to a transparent and collaborative approach to our transport planning, policies and project delivery. We work closely with our partners and engage widely across all our activities with our  stakeholders and communities every day to share information and gain valuable insights.

Publicly notified consultations are a key way we gather feedback to help shape and inform our work.

Current consultations

Past consultations

Publication of your submissions or feedback

When we consult and call for submissions on a draft rule or policy, or engage to help develop a business case, we will clearly indicate that the feedback received will be public information and may be published in full or summarised afterwards, for example in a Summary of Submissions or a Community Engagement Report. If you have indicated that you are an authorised representative of an organisation, we may publish the name of your organisation. However, we will not publish information that identifies an individual person.

You also have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you or to ask us to correct your information if you think it’s wrong. 

Our privacy obligations

In all cases, if your written submission or feedback contains commercially sensitive information or for some other reason you do not want it disclosed, please clearly indicate this on your response. 

Official Information Act requests

As a government agency, we are subject to the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) which means we may be asked to release some or all of the information received in a consultation when requested by a third party. When we provide this OIA response, in accordance with the Act we will consider the privacy interests or the commercial position of those providing feedback and balance this against the public interest that favours disclosure. Where the public interest outweighs these interests we are required to release the information. 

Information about decision making on OIA requests

If as part of your consultation response you would like to request information from us, please don’t include that in your submission. Instead please direct it to the relevant project team, so that we can respond to it in a timely manner, rather than waiting for it to be actioned at the end of the consultation period.