Engaging communities to help shape Auckland’s Northwest Rapid Transit project

Auckland’s Northwest Rapid Transit is one of many public transport projects being planned to create a connected public transport system that enables better transport choices and reduces congestion.

Community engagement and seeking feedback from the community and stakeholders helps with decision making and contributes to the development of the Detailed Business Case.

The first phase of community engagement for this project ran from 24 August to 24 September 2023 and asked questions about people’s travel experiences and the types of things they think we should be considering as part of our investigations.

We promoted this engagement in several ways including advertising, flyers, posters and street signage to reach communities. We also attended 10 community events, held numerous workshops with key stakeholders and community groups, one-on-one briefings, as well as an online webinar session.

What we heard

Nearly 4000 people completed our engagement survey – this feedback is being used to inform our investigations and help make decisions on the rapid transit solution that will best serve people living in the northwest of Auckland. 

Community views – at a glance:

  • The community want better, faster, and more reliable public transport choices
  • Rapid transit along SH16 would improve people’s journeys
  • And it would make those who drive, more likely to take public transport and leave the car at home
  • The community want better connections to the wider rapid transit network – including connections further north towards Kumeū and Huapai
  • The community want a solution that will last long into the future and meet future growth demands

Making it easy to get to public transit stations is important and the community want us to consider:

  • Bus lanes on feeder roads
  • Frequent and reliable connections
  • Walking and cycling connections
  • Park and rides
  • And we heard how urgently the community feel this project is needed.

Read the full summary of community engagement [PDF, 1.9 MB]

The second phase of community engagement is scheduled for later in 2024 and will involve sharing a preferred option, based on our investigations.

Find out more about the project