Consultation on Medical aspects of fitness to drive: a guide for health practitioners

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is consulting on the revised Medical aspects of fitness to drive: a guide for health practitioners (MAFTD).

MAFTD helps health practitioners assess the fitness to drive of their patients.

Submit your feedback

We're seeking feedback on the proposed changes from health practitioners as well as impacted industry organisations and interest groups.

This feedback will inform the final version of the updated MAFTD.

After reading the draft revised MAFTD and summary of proposed changes, submit your feedback by completing our feedback form.

Summary of changes [PDF, 329 KB]

Draft Medical aspects of fitness to drive: a guide for health practitioners [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Online feedback form(external link)

During consultation we’ll hold webinars to give key stakeholders an overview of the proposed changes.

You can submit your feedback between 19 August 2024 and 27 September 2024.

Next steps

  1. Once consultation closes, we’ll review your feedback and consider the changes we need to make.
  2. We’ll publish a summary of submissions document to show the feedback we received, our responses to it, and the rationale for the decisions we make.
  3. We’ll publish the updated MAFTD.

For more information 

For your reference, the current MAFTD guide can be found online:

Medical aspects of fitness to drive (2014)  

If you have other questions, please contact us at

This guide is targeted for health practitioners. If you are a driver and would like to understand medical requirements for your driver licence, please go to:

Medical requirements

Your response and privacy 

The information you send us in this written submission will be used by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi to help inform our consultation on the draft guidance. Waka Kotahi may publish in part or in full the information you submit, for example in a consultation report, but we will not include any information that could be used to identify an individual person. If you have indicated you are an authorised representative of an organisation, we may publish your organisation’s name. Please clearly indicate if your comments contain commercially sensitive information or, if for some other reason, they should not be disclosed.

If you would like to request official information from us, please don’t include that in your submission. Instead, please direct it to the project team so we can respond to it in a timely manner.

You can find more about how we hold and protect your information, and our obligations under the Official Information Act on our website. 

Consultation - privacy and Official Information requests
