Submissions for this consultation have now closed. The Associate Minister of Transport has now signed the Rule, which can be viewed here: link).

Your feedback is sought on the (yellow) draft of Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits [2017] which determines how speed limits are set in New Zealand.

The proposed Rule will revoke and replace Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003.

The proposed Rule is designed to contribute towards a better and safer travelling experience in New Zealand. It will introduce a modern and consistent approach to managing speeds across the country. This includes: 

  • Replacing a methodology developed in the 1960s with an approach that uses new technology and data to help assess and understand risk on the road.
  • Encouraging Road Controlling Authorities to target speed management to areas with the highest safety and efficiency benefit opportunities.
  • Enabling a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h to be set on our very best roads, recognising some modern roads can safely be driven at this speed.
  • Introduction of flexibility to requirements on the placement of repeater (or reminder) speed limit signs.
  • Allowing for emergency speed limits following a crisis, such as an earthquake or storm. This will enable immediate speed limit changes when there is a risk to the public. 

The yellow draft consultation documents, including the draft Rule, Overview and Q&A are available below.  (The Q&A have recently been updated to clarify a number of technical questions. To assist, the updated questions are in bold.)

The deadline for submissions was Friday 16 June, 2017.

For a physical copy of the consultation documents, or if you have any queries please phone the NZ Transport Agency contact centre on 0800 699 000 or email:

Consultation documents